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One to One (Polymorphic)

Table Structure

A one-to-one polymorphic relation is similar to a typical one-to-one relation; however, the child model can belong to more than one type of model using a single association. For example, a blog Post and a User may share a polymorphic relation to an Image model. Using a one-to-one polymorphic relation allows you to have a single table of unique images that may be associated with posts and users. First, let's examine the table structure:

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    url - string
    imageable_id - integer
    imageable_type - string

Note the imageable_id and imageable_type columns on the images table. The imageable_id column will contain the ID value of the post or user, while the imageable_type column will contain the class name of the parent model. The imageable_type column is used by Fedaco to determine which "type" of parent model to return when accessing the imageable relation. In this case, the column would contain either Post or User.

Model Structure

Next, let's examine the model definitions needed to build this relationship:

  tableName: 'images'
class Image extends Model {
  public imageable;

  tableName: 'posts'
class Post extends Model {
    related: forwardRef(() => Image),
    morphName: 'imageable'
  public image;

  tableName: 'users'
class User extends Model {
    related: forwardRef(() => Image),
    morphName: 'imageable'
  public image;

Retrieving the Relationship

Once your database table and models are defined, you may access the relationships via your models. For example, to retrieve the image for a post, we can access the image dynamic relationship property:

const post = await Post.createQuery().find(1);

const image = await post.image;

You may retrieve the parent of the polymorphic model by accessing the name of the method that performs the call to morphTo. In this case, that is the imageable method on the Image model. So, we will access that method as a dynamic relationship property:

const image = await Image.createQuery().find(1);

const imageable = await image.imageable;

The imageable relation on the Image model will return either a Post or User instance, depending on which type of model owns the image.

Key Conventions

If necessary, you may specify the name of the "id" and "type" columns utilized by your polymorphic child model. If you do so, ensure that you always pass the name of the relationship as the first argument to the morphTo method. Typically, this value should match the method name, so you may use PHP's __FUNCTION__ constant:


class Image extends Model {
   * Get the model that the image belongs to.
    morphTypeMap: {
      'users': forwardRef(() => User),
      'posts': forwardRef(() => Post)
    id: 'imageable_type',
    ownerKey: 'imageable_id'
  public imageable

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