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Function ToArray

fresh method on model

const now = new Date();
const nowSerialized = formatISO(startOfSecond(now));
const nowWithFractionsSerialized = now.toJSON();
// Carbon.setTestNow(now);
const storedUser1 = await FedacoTestUser.createQuery().create({
  id: 1,
  email: '',
  birthday: now
await storedUser1.NewQuery().update({
  email: '',
  name: 'Mathieu TUDISCO'
const freshStoredUser1 = await storedUser1.Fresh();
const storedUser2 = await FedacoTestUser.createQuery().create({
  id: 2,
  email: '',
  birthday: now
await storedUser2.NewQuery().update({
  email: ''
const freshStoredUser2 = await storedUser2.Fresh();
const notStoredUser = FedacoTestUser.initAttributes({
  id: 3,
  email: '',
  birthday: now
const freshNotStoredUser = await notStoredUser.Fresh();
ReferenceLooks LikeValue
  'id'        : 1,
  'name'      : 'Mathieu TUDISCO',
  'email'     : '',
  'birthday'  : nowWithFractionsSerialized,
  'created_at': nowSerialized,
  'updated_at': nowSerialized
});` |

| storedUser1 | instance type exactly match | FedacoTestUser | | storedUser2.toArray() | match | ({ 'id' : 2, 'email' : '', 'birthday' : nowWithFractionsSerialized, 'created_at': nowSerialized, 'updated_at': nowSerialized }); | | freshStoredUser2.toArray() | match | ({ 'id' : 2, 'name' : null, 'email' : '', 'birthday' : nowWithFractionsSerialized, 'created_at': nowSerialized, 'updated_at': nowSerialized }); | | storedUser2 | instance type exactly match | FedacoTestUser | | notStoredUser.toArray() | match | ({ 'id' : 3, 'email' : '', 'birthday': nowWithFractionsSerialized }); | | freshNotStoredUser | exactly match | null |

see also prerequisites

saving json fields

const model = await FedacoTestWithJSON.createQuery().create({
  json: {
    x: 0
model.fillable(['json->y', 'json->a->b']);
await model.update({
  'json->y': '1'
ReferenceLooks LikeValue
  'x': 0,
  'y': '1'
});` |
ReferenceLooks LikeValue
'json->a->b' in model.toArray()exactly matchfalse
  'x': 0,
  'y': '1',
  'a': {
    'b': '3'
});` |

see also prerequisites

to array includes custom formatted timestamps

const model = new FedacoTestUserWithCustomDateSerialization();
  created_at: '2012-12-04',
  updated_at: '2012-12-05'
const array = model.toArray();
ReferenceLooks LikeValue
array['updated_at']exactly match'05-12-12'

see also prerequisites

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