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nest integration


Easiest way to integrate Fedaco to Nest is via @gradii/nest-fedaco module. Simply install it next to Nest, Fedaco and underlying driver:

$ npm i @gradii/fedaco @gradii/nest-fedaco better-sqlite3
$ yarn add @gradii/fedaco @gradii/nest-fedaco better-sqlite3

Fedaco also supports postgres, sqlite, and mysql. See the official docs for all drivers.

Once the installation process is completed, we can import the FedacoModule into the root AppModule.

if you use sqlite database you need to install better-sqlite3 or sqlite3 driver

import { FedacoModule } from '@gradii/nest-fedaco';

  imports: [
      'default': {
        driver  : 'sqlite',
        database: ':memory:'
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {

The forRoot() method accepts the same configuration object as key is connection name and value is Fedaco same of ConnectionConfig. Check this page for the complete configuration documentation.

Multi Connection

multi connction can be defined in FedacoModule.forRoot easily. the key is connection name use in Model connection, the default model connection name is default.

import { FedacoModule } from '@gradii/nest-fedaco';

  imports: [
      'default': {
        driver  : 'sqlite',
        database: ':memory:'
      'second_connection': {
        driver: 'pgsql',
        database: 'nest-postgresql',
        port: 5432
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {
import { Column, CreatedAtColumn, Model, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Table, UpdatedAtColumn } from '@gradii/fedaco';

  tableName: 'users',
  connection: 'second_connection',
export class UserModel extends Model {
  _fillable = ['username'];

  declare id: string;

  declare username: string;

  declare created_at: Date;

  declare updated_at: Date;

if want to use difference connection temporarily can use Model.useConnection('another_connection'), full document can found here

Use Query Builder

Fedaco can use query builder by db function. to use following db to query it need import FedacoModule default connection config first.

const result = await db().query().from('users').select('*').get()

Working With Schema Builder

Fedaco can easily work with schema using schema function. if you want to create a users table with id, username, created_at, updated_at column, can run following script

await schema().create('users', table => {

please notice that default table name and column name use snakeCase style.


some examples of NestJS with Fedaco ORM can be found here

Released under the MIT License.